When a

stargate has opened up and connects to the great central sun at the Galactic Center. During this point, our cells go back to ground 0 and lifted us into a new timeline by the photon light. The threshold of this stargate has started, and these global energies are ramping up. We are now riding the Ascension Wave, and we are in the mist of an intense acceleration as it feels like a push into a direction with force.
The Galactic Center is a Super massive vortex 37° in Sagittarius (3+7=10). Energies are swirling like this and connecting to all major vortexes all over the world that act like a unifier of consciousness. Due to the geomagnetic frequencies at certain locations around the earth, the ancient points are attracting, storing, and vibrating their own energy field. The diamond crystal energies that are coming from the Central sun are pushing the awakening to these sites, and that is clearing and cleansing the soul on a global scale, thus waking up the masses.
Specific points that are in these fields are charging up the light, which is charging up the crystal light coming in. Those connected to the light are breaking people away from the 3d hologram and holding the light for them to see. They are guiding the collective through the stargate as they maintain mid point from the Central sun and them. They are balancing and magnetizing their intent and helping the world anchoring into the Shuman Resonace Frequency.
As we go through the stargate, we start to feel ourselves exiting out of the matrix and accepting the crystal light coming into our chakras, and as powerful as we are, we are closing the doors to the Matrix. Yes, basically, we are guarding and holding the light so everyone can enter through that has chosen too. It's time to connect to our soul, and it's time to heal and let go of the past and of 3d matrix bc only then will you feel whole again.
We can't carry any more hate and anger and trauma and abuse and betrayal and aggressive emotions, etc. It all has to leave us, and we need to shift our minds and thoughts towards the light. Stargates are a way for us to ascend to higher place and each time they are presented by time continuum we go up higher but this time we need to let go of all this to go through this specific one. This is a must as it is part of the end of time that is happening now. God is telling you, 👉"No more should you carry, you have suffered long enough, let it go so I shall carry you now."👈 Listen to your soul and release all this to the light bc only the pure crystal light of the source can destroy all evil @PandoraBoxc @Pandoraschat
