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Writer's picturePandora

Change and Stasis

Change is important part of this world and we need it, but most living things will resist it at all costs. This is called stasis, (the resistance) and both are needed for healthy and vibrate life. However, as a society we have been conditioned to look at one thing or another but not both as whole. This is important as we love our bodies when it is balance and stasis is functioning but hate it when we cant control it. Change that benefit us we love and hate it when it's not. But its vital to our health this continues. The body is constantly vibrating and stasis and change is what keep this going.

Depending on your environment, stasis can come to you in forms of low vibrations, concerns, interruptions or criticism. This needs to be addressed verbally and closure need to be done.

When we enter into a relationship we connect with the energy of that person and develop what is called a energetic contract stasis. Which in turns states what behavior are acceptable, who does what to whom, our perceptions and how we react. This is a unconscious contract that develops to creates a shape for this relationship with rules and boundaries to abide by. When the other person makes a change in this contract, it gets questioned by their partner.

As you move consciously you change people around you. Your stasis becomes interrupted and your comfort zone is threatened. This for alot is scary and frightening as you disconnect from old ways or negative people to new ways and positive people. This is hard especially for fixed zodiacs signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio).

As you move forward, your old ways will test you to see if you have learned your lessons. You can call these stasis energies and this will remind you that they served the purpose they needed and are no longer needed in your new world. Look at this as old you and new you and what you have accomplished in your life to get where you are today.

In time you will develop new stasis with new people, new environment and new way of thinking.

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