Chaos is a myth and utter fiction it does not exist! "The world is not to be put in order. The world IS 'Order'. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order."
Chaos theory grew out of the realization that any living system goes through phases of order and also phases in which it exhibits chaotic behaviour. I believe that we can learn alot from these ideas, which are a sub compartment to the idea that reality is something we can alter and predict.
Chaos if you think about it, when we time an astrological 'event' to a particular moment of it happening by the time that happens the event has already formed and its action is almost complete. In order to find those moments when we have greater freedom to act or better creative we should really look at chaotic times between the series of exact astrological events. By the time the event happens, it is too late to change it, so wouldn't make sense to change it before it happens.
Parallels between chaos theory and astrology teach us about important principles that we can use creatively to be more accurate and penetrating in our astrology work. Utilising the principles of repeating patterns and understanding the mechanism of triggers inherent in nature and reflected in the horoscope make aspect interpretation far more accurate.
My question is can we trust the accuracy and precision of astrology, yet allow a sense of freedom. Even though increasingly powerful computer software is available to us, the accuracy of astrology still leaves a high degree of prediction and psychology. It is in this area that we realise the freedom of will and individuality that is so central to life.