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Writer's picture: PandoraPandora

They are technically 7 chakras ♾(sanskrit.. wheel or disk) in the body. They are giant atoms of light💡 that absorb physical, emotional and mental energies daily. Their purpose is to spin☯️ and draw in this energy or aether🔆 to balance out the body. They change with the years as the chakras are different back in ancient times as they are now. They adapt to the lifestyle and the environment they are subjected to daily.

Chakras can be disciplined with 3 aspects... thoughts, feelings and will. These are drives that will activate them and through negative and positive energies. If a chakras is blocked or not functioning properly, it can cause and unbalanced between physical, emotional and mental health🥺. If a chakra is open and flowing it will balance out all aspects of your life and you will flow with the universe🌌.

Ways to promote the flow of energy is reiki, yoga, clearing out negative energies from inside and outside the body, forgiveness and gratitude.

Below are lists of the 7 chakras in the body

Base or Root Chakra – Muladhara.

Bija mantra (seed sound) is lam. It is related to survival, security, and is the closest to the earth🌍, resting at the base of the spine. The color associated with it is red. It is naturally associated with the element earth. To keep this chakra healthy, exercises such as dancing, jogging or jumping are beneficial. We should see if our security needs are being met, and take our power to create our own security in our lives so that our world is a safe and enjoyable place for us. It’s message is, “I exist”. Be proud of who you are!

Sacral Chakra – Svadhistana.

Bija Mantra is vam. This chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure. It is in the lower abdomen and it’s color is orange. Svadhistana is associated with the element water. Bellydancing🎶, loving partnerships, and yoga can enhance the function of this chakra. This chakra says, “I desire”. Live your passion, whatever that may be.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura.

Bija mantra is ram. It’s color is yellow, and it is related to our power in this world. It’s natural element is fire🔥, and this is where the “fire in your belly” term derives from. An overbearing solar plexus chakra (one not in balance with the other chakras in your system or one where your energy is solely focused) can result in obsessive-compulsive control. A third chakra, or solar plexus chakra, with a healthy flow allows you to control your destiny, feel your power and accomplish your dreams. The message of the third chakra is “I control”. Go forth and control your own destiny and happiness.

Heart Chakra – Anahata.

Bija mantra is yam. Green is the color of this chakra and it relates naturally to love and compassion, being at our heart center. This fourth chakra is associated with air🌬. Healthy relationships, pets, family, even appreciation of beauty and nature enhance the health of this chakra. Anahata says, “I love”. Let your heart 💗energy flow freely.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha.

Bija mantra is ham. The throat center or communication center is where you speak your truth in this world. It’s color is blue. When this chakra is flowing at optimum levels, you have the ability to ask for what you need. You also reflect your truth in the world through this chakra though your communication. Singing, chanting🧘‍♀️ and breathing exercises can enhance the health of this chakra. The message of the throat chakra is “I express”. Speak your truth, through the vibration of your words.

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna.

Some associated Bija mantras are Sham or Aum or Om🕉. The natural color of this chakra is indigo. Insight, intuition, awareness and guidance are the properties of this sixth chakra. This chakra, located between the eyebrows, says, “I am the witness”. Meditation and visualization . Be open to your inner guidance🧘‍♀️. Listen to your thoughts, they will assist you on the right path.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara.

Some associated Bija mantras are Om 🕉or Ah or Soham. It is the silence between the space and represents spiritual connection. It is associated with violet or violet-white light, a color many Reiki practitioners are drawn to and use in their work and meditations. Located a little above the top of the head, it represents union, bliss, the knowledge of being at one with all. Cosmic consciousness and peace are the frequency at this chakra. “I am that I am”. This is also a part of your aura colors 🌈



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