Its a area in the cosmos that is magnetically charged. What is happening is earth is moving into this which is opposing magnetic currents. So example if a person is standing with their arms stretched out and there is a person on each side pulling say go this way no go this way. That is what is occurring with the earth at this point in the wormhole. The earth is being pulled in opposite directions by a electromagnetic frequency. The earth is being stretched by the suns energy current.
As we enter a 1200 on the shuman scale a week ago this is massive light energies pushing us through the Photon belt along with the other planets in the galaxy. The pull of the helio can cause us to feel very ungrounded anxiety is high and sleeping problems. 3rd and 4th chakras are prone to this Helio with emotional junk being pick off like a flower and dispersed into the universe as the body heals.
Portals are now 7 day periods not 3 or 1 day. They now arrive as certain other cosmic forces transmit energetics while receiving frequencies from human collective consciousness.Thus, transmission and reception from cosmos to planet is continual (As above, so below; as below, so above).
We are seeing more of this and we must care for ourselves as well as for Earth for : As within, so without.” Be careful of your thoughts and feelings—your inner core. They will speak into existence in your words and actions your outer field. Like Earth. We too are soaring through space and have a vibrational frequency and an amplitude. We have the “Power”.11
