Solar winds create massive weather patterns such as hurricanes or tornadoes etc. But they also affect our psychological mental and emotional parts of us. Both the earth and us have telepathic consciousness and during the time continuum the one chakra most activated is the 3rd one. This chakra

rules the stomach pancreas liver and the digestive system and this lies in the navel. This could explain why everyone is experiencing nasuea or belly pains during this process. This seems to be the part that is getting attacked the most lol. When it is imbalanced it causes all kinds of problems with anger fear aggression and most of all WILL POWER . It can challenge our nervous system as it swirls or spins in our auric field. This affects our vibrational frequency down to the cellular structure and explains why negative energy now makes you feel sick.
When we are balanced light flows freely and when we resist it causes the symptoms to arise thus making us feel very sick. Why is this bc the toxicity goes back to cellular level very long long ago and now we are not only purging us but our ancestors emotions from long ago too. Yes we are all connected from the stars at the end of the universe to very atoms that we were born with.
How to deal with all this the gut the 3rd chakra is balancing it out bc it is so important as it is the core of our emotions. Kombucha colloidal silver ACV garlic onions charcoal anything with anti fungal properties will clear out yeast and bugs and rebalance the gut. I have been drinking Kombucha this whole time and this is huge help with me in recovering from these intense brutal ascension symptoms. Also the color of the third chakra is yellow. Whenever certain foods are ingested that match the color of a certain chakra, this helps to balance it out. Yellow amber (tree resin) helps along with any food that yellow squash pepper corn bananas lemons etc. Amber resin has amazing healing properties

One of the best healing of the 3rd chakra is SUN LIGHT 🌞. This chakra has strong magnetic energies that will match with the sun energies to create the healing energy you need. More sunlight you receive the stronger your magnetism becomes and the stronger your light is. You feed off of this like candy lol and you start to learn how to recharge yourself.